Thursday, June 18, 2009

Week #5- Eureka moment

My Eureka moment actually came to me while reading Christopher's post to this weeks discussion board topic. In his response, he mentioned the topic of child custody. He discussed how in the majority of situation's, the court will favor the mother, rather than the father in a custody battle. In the text, Woods states that to be feminine, is to be physically attractive, deferential, emotionally expressive, nurturing, and concerned with people and relationships (Wood 24). The key word in this sentence for purpose of my eureka moment, being nurturing. As I explained in my response to Christopher's post, I have realized that the term nurturing does not necessarily always apply. The point I am trying to make is that I agree that men are just as capable of taking care of children. The reason I have chosen this as my eureka moment is that recently my uncle divorced his wife, and took custody of all four of his kids. My aunt, was never a good mother for her kids. She doesn't have that sense of nurturing that all women are supposedly supposed to have. My uncle is a far better provider and parent for my cousins than she could ever be.

1 comment:

  1. Rhiannon - Your Eureka moment actually ties quite nicely into this week's discussion board on Men's Movements. Did the court actually award your Uncle the custody of the children or was it something they both agreed to before during the divorce process. The reason I ask is that most courts have (and in my opinion still do) automatically award custody to the mother whether the dad could do a better job raising or not. Father's rights is one of the positive things that are coming out some Men's movements and I would interested in how your Uncle maintained his rights as a father in the middle of a divorce.
